Dear November.
Dear November. I have no personal issue with you, but I can’t help to notice a pattern every time my calendar flips to you. I am not blaming you, November, for the tragedies and the echoing feeling of loneliness that arrives at this time of year. BUT I must ask you to please... go easy on us.
As the days become shorter and the nights become longer. Go easy on us.
As the holidays creep closer. Go easy on us.
As seasonal depression sets in and exhaustion becomes overbearing. Go easy on us.
Pleading to my personified version of a month, used as an attempt to scapegoat the dull drums feeling we are experiencing, will solve nothing. With that being said, I am switching gears.
As the holidays roll around and empty place settings appear at once full tables. Let’s go easy on each other.
As the days grow shorter and the nights loom on longer; Let’s go easy on each other.
As the crisp November days pass us by and we transition into the following months; Let’s go easy on each other.